Avast is set to scan incoming mail only but sending messages is painfully slow. If I turn off the mail protection in Avast sending is normal (fast). Any way to fix this? thanks
Do these mail have attachments? Big ones?
Sometimes, but TB exhibits the same behavior whether or not there is an attachment. If I click cancel and push send again once or twice the mail will then send
Post the screenshot of your account settings in TB please.
which page do you want to see?
I don’t see that here at all ???
server panel section for POP/IMAP and SMTP
here it is
edit your screenshot so that you don’t get spammed, your email address is visible (just erase your name from it)
Okay, are these the default settings for your email provider, ie those you would use even if Avast mail shield wasn’t present?
edit: can you send a screenshot of Avast mail shield account section too?
these are the normal settings I would use. attached is the Avast window.
Well, unfortunately that doesn’t show SMTP settings at all. I thought TB has meanwhile moved to a saner place to put those settings since I stopped using it - apparently not the case.
nope it’s always in a separate section, no big deal
Logos, did I send you what you need?
Logos, did I send you what you need?
no ;D I need to see the account section in the advanced (expert) mail shield settings
Logos, do I need to block out the host names?
Logos, do I need to block out the host names?
why that? you just need to make sure that according to your Email provider requirement, the settings are okay in the mail shield settings and consistent with those you got in Thunderbord. The mail shield acts as a local proxy. If no ssl is required, then you’re good already. If ssl is required, it should be disabled in the client (Thunderbird) and activated in Avast mail shield.