Hi there since about Monday this week, l have not been getting definition updates either auto or when l try manually.
l have tried straight connection with out my hardware router connected and still nothing.
l have no software firewall connected.
l have scanned for anti spy-ware programs such as Adware,Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware and SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition these program found and removed spy-ware still nothing after restart of computer each time.
l have uninstalled and reinstalled Avast 3 times twice removing the reg keys & other files left behind after using uninstall for a clean start, still nothing.
lam running windows 7 ultimate with SP1 all ready.
have faster cable broadband connection too.
P.S Please see screen shot after l tried to so a manual definitions update
l hope some one can give me help and advice, have not found anything that has been already said l have not tried so any help would be great thanks
Hi Asyn no that version still does not help me get updates, not sure whats going on l have contacted support they asked me to send them a files so they can look at it waiting on there feedback now, l don’t want to be forced to change to another anti - virus suit but if l don’t get feedback soon l may have to, l don like to have not updates its like opening the doors of the house!
Try ticking - auto detect (use internet explorer setting’s) in proxy setting’s and leave my computer is permanetly connected to the internet unchecked and reboot.
Hi yes l have just waiting on a report from support of the file l sent them, that they wanted from avast. hofuly here something soon l don’t want to have to go for another anti virus
Hi there l guess l dont know for sure only trusting the anti spyware programs that they have done there job, just waiting on avast team support now to tell me what they learnt from the avast file they wanted me to give them and from there l hopfuly will know what l needed to do to get avast definitions to once again update other wise l will needed to go another anti virus program or better still a Linux product
What is your firewall since you are using Avast Free? Make sure your firewall is not blocking anything that Avast needs (going in/out for connections). You can use the Windows 7 FW if you do not have a third-party FW.
What other security software do you currently have or did you have in the past on this machine including:
Antivirus (AV)
Firewall (FW)
Trial versions of AV, FW and other security programs
Other security software (you mentioned Ad-ware, MBAM, SAS…any others?)
Is Avast being recognize by your Security Center on your machine?
Have you tried a Manual update?
Please update and post your MBAM log to your next post. Thank you.