IBM Thinkpad 600X
Windows XP Service Pack 3
Zone Alarm
ZoneAlarm version:
TrueVector version:
Driver version:
This is a laptop that has been unused for several months. It’s supposed to go on a trip today, so I fired it up yesterday and updated my Avast by a wired dialup connection that took several hours. I decided to go to bed and woke this morning to finish the installation.
Now I cannot access the internet through either Firefox or IE with Avast turned on. With Avast off, I have no problems. I know it’s Avast because I had the shields control set to restore after 10 minutes and suddenly couldn’t connect.
What should I do? Or what should you guys do?
I’m planning on going back into Windows system tools and restoring to before yesterday.
u should remove any firewall rules in zone alarm firewall on avast. this is because avast acts as a proxy (web shield) to monitor all connections to and from ur laptop for malicious stuff.
after removing all rules for avast, try updating/ using internet explorer to connect to internet. this should trigger an alert or (defensenet of zonealarm should auto create the appropriate rules for avast as it is whitelisted here)
make sure that avast is allowed for everything.