avast 7.0 utorrent = massive lag...still?

I’m on XP Pro sp 3.0 using avast pro 7.0.1426 registered.

Whenever I use utorrent my computer lags like crazy, even when downloading just one torrent, not even at high speeds.

I disable avast and everything runs smoothly again, so it has to be avast related.

I looked no these orums to see similar issues as far back as 2010…surely there is a fix for this by now?

I am unsure what to do as im new to avast and never had any problems before with utorrent until I installed avast.

I see in expert settings in the p2p shield tab utorrent is listed and checked off…should I uncheck it?

What can I do to eliminate the crazy lag when using utorrent besides disabling avast all together? When enabled and using utorrent I can barley move my mouse it goes from 1 side of the screen to the other and my comp suddenly feels feels like im running windows 98 on 100 mhz with 10 mb of ram.


If the check box for Utorrent is “on”, did you turn it on?

In my experience, it is always off by default, due to the fact of the Avast! P2P shield being unable to scan Utorrent’s downloads without unreasonable resource usage.

So if it is checked on, sure, uncheck it and then try Utorrent again to see if it is better. The P2P shield will not scan Utorrents downloads that way of course, but other Avast! components are still protecting you.

Utorrent is still not checked in P2P settings. I would like to ask if avast! team is working on this issue.
I know that File Shield will probably still protect me from a malicious torrent, but the existence of a separate P2P Shield means that this offers extra protection. Otherwise, there would be no rationale on its existence.

I have utorrent to and avast on… dont have any problem or issue but i use Windows7… dont know if it has any influence…