We are using Avast! 7 Pro, and Synology’s NAS.
To backup data we use Synology Data Replicator 3.
We never had any problem, until updating Avast! to version 7.
Now backups are getting much slower, and … they fail. :-
It seems Avast is locking every file being accessed, preventing DR3 from saving them.
Any idea ?
Well, the fix does not solve the problem. :-
I’m still getting errors, with locked files. And stopping Avast file scanner solve it.
Is there a way to allow DR3 to open files for backup without Avast scanning those files.
Exclusion settings only allow filters for files.
Avast Pro .
Version 7.0.1426.
Windows XP Pro Sp3.
No other security software. Just running MalwareBytes once a month.
Always been using Avast on those computers.
Well, I’m thinking about finding a V6, as working without a correct backup is really dangerous. :-\
I still get problems during backups with Avast 7 (actually 7.0.1466).
Errors occur during file access. Here is an approximative translation from french.
“Process can’t get access to the file, as another process is using it.”
This “other” process is obviously Avast 7, as everything is ok when stopping file agent.
We cannot afford stopping Avast during automatic backups.
What can we do ?
Based upon the translated version of the error message you posted you may be having latency problems. Therefore you could try downloading, installing l and running.
DPC Latency Checker
Thesycon’s DPC Latency Checker is a Windows tool that analyses the capabilities of a computer system to handle real-time data streams properly. It may help to find the cause for interruptions in real-time audio and video streams, also known as drop-outs. The program supports Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 x64, Windows XP, Windows XP x64, Windows 2000.
Even though the description only mentions real-time video and audio streams, they were the major cause of this problem with XP computers, it will tell you if you are having a latency problem caused by other types of programs.
I have used this product before and it didn’t appear to compromise or hurt my computers. However just to be safe make sure your system scans the downloaded installer before installing the software. Never open these files as part of the download process. Save them outside of your C drive and make sure they are scanned before installing.
Here is a definition of Latency
1) In general, the period of time that one component in a system is spinning its wheels waiting for another component. Latency, therefore, is wasted time. For example, in accessing data on a disk, latency is defined as the time it takes to position the proper sector under the read/write head.
It is my understanding and I could be wrong on this but if there is a latency problem some programs will generate the message you posted. Even if the you don’t have a latency problem on this it does not hurt to check your system to see if you are having latency problems with other software.