Avast 7 and windows 7 compatibility issues.

I am running windows ultimate 32 bit on my dell latitutude d620. I am running an Intel Core 2 CPU 2.33 GHz with 4 gb of ram installed. All windows updates are installed, including the optional. With previous avast versions, it ran perfect with no issue. When upgraded to avast 7 free, I was able to get to the log on screen, input my password, and then it would freeze up saying welcome. At the times, very few, that it was able to get past that, when I would open any exe., it would freeze everything but the mouse. It kinda acted like it was having a hard time loading. After a few minutes it would freeze up completely until reboot. When I disabled all utilities that avast run, it did the same thing. If I was able to load up anything, for example the internet browser (google chrome) it would slow down my computer and show that google chrome was running 50% of my cpu. I have tried uninstalling windows and re-installing. I have tried a repair on avast. I have tried removing avast and re-installing. I have tried tried setting the settings to load avast after other programs. I’ve tried disabling most of the programs ran on avast. I’ve tried installing just the basic components of avast on a fresh install. I’ve removed microsoft security essentials. I have no other antivirus running on the computer. I have even removed malwarebytes on my system. I have removed my hard drive and placed it on a workbench machine to do a boot time scan on the hard drive. No problems were found. All of these things have not produced any progress. Any help would be greatly appreciated as this would save a lot of paying customers for you that I work for. I will going out to one of the customers tomorrow and get the specs off of their machine so you have a windows pro 64 bit example to work with too. Let me know if there is any other information that you need.

Well, if Avast! was blanket incompatible with Win7, you would see it here, there would be 1000’s on this forum, all day, every day, and Avast! would shortly be in the toilet. That is, if the forum could still even load.

You have done a lot. Including re-installing Windows? If that does not fix things…

Ok, basic question to start…you mentioned MSE ,which as another AV is not good to install on the same PC as Avast!..after you reset/reinstalled Win., at any point did you also put MSE back on the computer?

No. It is still off of the machine.

So I installed a fresh copy of windows 7 ultimate 64 bit on my system and am running updates 10 at a time til it freezes. I have made it through the first 76 initial important updates with no issue yet. Installing last 4 of them right now. It may be one of the optional updates.

  • Which avast!..?? (Free/Pro/IS)
  • Which version…??
  • OS…?? (32/64 Bit…? - which SP…?)
  • Other security related software installed…??

Win7 32Bit: Avast7 (AIS) Malwarebytes Pro … no compatibility issues.

Win7 64Bit on 2 machines Avast7 (AIS) Malwarebytes Pro , Emet,Hosts Files no comaptibility issues.

I would look at what firewall is/was in use, try restoring all settings in the Windows Firewall to defaults prior to installing Avast7.

So once again. It is window’s 7 ultimate 64 bit (now). Was 32 bit with initial problem on mine. Avast 7 free on mine. Have seen it with pro. My specs are in the initial post. I did not mention that I’m running sp1 though. From what I’ve seen on the new build. I have installed all updates so far, but I installed Avast first then updates. I’m at the language updates right now. I have noticed that I have not been offered the power shell, mse, or defender on the updates yet. But so far no problem. In the initial post I had removed mse and defender but it still froze up system. May have had left over files or something. But I will continue with the updates and let you know how it goes. I just had another computer come in as I was typing this with similar issues. But it is an hp envy 14 running windows 7 pro with avast 7 pro. I will check for those three softwares, remove and test. I’ll let you know about that too.

And thanks Adrian for the post on what works. Can you check those machines for the 3 programs that I mentioned? I know I had those three on the last build and didn’t have a problem with them being there til the update to avast 7. Could be a compatibility issue with one of those programs that didn’t exist in the last version. Anyways, let me know what you find please…thanks.

Power shell installs by default with Win7 so it’s on all 3 machines, Defender I always have turned off. MSE is not part of Win7 and should not be installed with Avast.

So I think I hit something. After the first 10 language pack updates it stalls on the welcome screen. After 5 minutes it finally logs in but then freezes again. You can move the mouse but not access anything. Then the mouse freezes after like 5 more minutes. If I remove avast it works fine. I hope this helps.

Follow instructions: http://public.avast.com/~rypacek/patches/#ap20120403001

Tried it. Does not over-right the already existing files. Will not delete old files. So no go. I’ll keep working on it and let you know.

Are you sure you disabled self-defense beforehand, as per the instructions?

100% positive.

Try it in safe mode.

had to switch back to 32 bit. running in safe mode allowed me to download that patch. Thanks for that input Asyn. Will redownload all updates including language and let you know how that goes since I installed the patch.

You’re welcome.

Do you need all the language packs? I never install any of them on any PC I work on. English only here. I could see installing the language packs if you were a developer running Ultimate. I hide all the language packs by right clicking each one and choosing hide so they are not in the way when doing updates.


I use the language packs. Just did updates kb2656372,2656355,2633879,982670, microsoft silverlight, 972813,972813,2675157,2618451, and 2532531. System completely froze up to the point of booting in safe mode and removing avast. I had downloaded the fix, extracted it per instruction. The patch did not work. So it looks like the main issue has to do with one of these updates.

So uninstalled which updates that I could, avast still causing problems. Will have to rebuild and start again. Going one update at a time this time. I want to thank everyone for your help, I will let you know what I find. I know it’s not the language updates due to this happening on windows 7 pro too. Ran into that issue Tuesday with another computer. I’m wondering where the tech that told me to create this thread is, along with why it took 45 minutes of waiting on hold for tech support and still no answer. The other number that I found was to avast support pccare247 that is a third party that wants to charge you no matter if you pay for avast or not. This is going to be the last rebuild, if issue not fixed I’m going to be switching myself as well as all the companies that our it company supports to another antivirus.