Since there appear to be so many people having problems with avast! 7 and Windows 8 I decided to check and see what W8 users said about avast! 7 compatibility with W8 on the Windows Compatibility Center Website. Of the 20 voting on the various avast! 7 products only 11 said avast! 7 was compatible with W8. That is not too good to say the least. However Kaspersky IS 2012 did a lot worse. By comparison Norton Internet Security 2012 did pretty good with over 90% of 236 saying it was compatible with W8.
I think at this point basically all AV programs are having problems with W8. In fact to my knowledge Bitdefender has not yet even released what they claim is a W8 version of their AV program that is compatible with ELAM.
I am leaning toward thinking that these issues are related to ELAM. avast! promotes itself as being compatible with ELAM and I do not doubt that avast! believes this to be the case. However, from what little I know I know about ELAM and the change that it brought about with low level Windows security I have to wonder. Its one thing to be compatible at the controlled design level and sometimes another to be compatible in the real world with all of its variations.
Maybe that is why the avast! needed to upgrade the driver?
It isn’t just that avast believes it is compatible with windows 8 but an avast team was at Redmond for some time going through the windows compatibility certification, which they passed.
Well as I am sure some are aware that I have reported/stated in a number of threads that 3 of my Shields aren’t working and neither is the Sandbox,
So this does’t surprise me. I also stared atopic in the café just to see if any Avast team might give an idea of whats coming up in Avast8 that would “address the incompatibility” of Avast and Windows8 because no matter what I’ve tried my AIS does not function properly since installing on clean Windows8 64Bit.
There’s got to be someone from Avast all over this due to what I/others have also observed and stated here on the forum that there does seem to be many issues being reported
edit: I agree that Win8 is going to be a problem with existing software(other AV’s etc.) for some time as I keep reminding myself it was only released in October. :
Like I posted above. There is a world of difference between the results you get in a lab and what you get in the real world. Windows 8 is a moving product at this point. Yes there is a W8-RTM but you will eventually see a W8-SP1 that will incorporate the changes to W8 since W8-RTM.
Being certified is a nice marketing tool. However, it is in the real world that foot strikes the pavement. There are numerous apps out there that were not certified by Microsoft as W8 compatible but still work perfectly fine on W8.
Certification by Microsoft is no different than Virus test files. They have little baring on the real world.
I designed enough systems to know that you can work with IT all you want which no doubt helps but in the end it is where the user sits that counts and those results are often very differnet than what you get in the design rooms
That is why even though I have purchased W8 at the early pricing discount I have not yet installed it. I will purchase two more licenses at the discount price before the deal runs out in Jan however I do not expect to install any of the three W8 licenses until W8-SP1. I just will have purchased them early to get the discount prices which are significant from what the final retail price will be. As one person commented to me upon hearing the above. “You are going to have your cake and eat it too” To which I say, “I hope so”
@Nesivos. “have your cake and eat it too”
Watch your weight, it can sneak up on you. ;D
Well, I’m deep in it now so time will tell…what, I’m not sure??
I certainly don’t want to switch :-\
Then I guess no one should be concerned whether or not Microsoft award a win8 compatibility certificate for any AV or application when trying to decide on what program to go with. Unfortunately it is what we have right now.