Web shield is blocking my Fire fox connection.
Can anyone help me.
Hi again.
I went into the Webshield expert settings and excluded the Fire fox exe. and update exe, and the plugin container exe.
Fire fox works but did I lose any of my Avast internet protection?
I use Windows 7 and online armour.
I had to add internet explorer to the exclusions also otherwise that wouldn’t connect either.
Was what I did proper and safe?
Hmmm… There are other threads about issues with avast and Online Armour…
What if you remove avast entries from OA settings, boot, allow avast to connect again?
I tried what you asked, no difference as long as the exclusions I put into Web shield are not there.
When I put them back I can use Fire Fox and IE 9 again.
I’m just worried I did something unsafe buy putting those exclusions in, and will i have to do the same on my laptop which runs XP pro and Online armour.
It also blocked my ability to browse other websites, it only allowed me to browse Facebook and Twitter and all the rest gets blocked w/c is weird. This only happened when they updated their software to avast 7. I used all the available browsers i could use, chrome, ie, firefox, even rockmelt and it all does the same thing, it blocks internet connection. And the culprit is indeed the web shield. So what’s the point of having web shield activated if it blocks all other websites except facebook and twitter? even yahoo mail or google and all the rest of the websites gets blocked.
I tried all the troubleshooting i could only to find out that it was avast that was keeping me from accessing all other internet sites. This is just crazy. Have they been informed about this? What are they doing to fix this? Do they even read their own forums? Why don’t i see anyone reporting this in their facebook or twitter pages???