After upgrading to Avast 7 everytime i open up MS outlook 2000 two processes stay active after i close it. they are winword.exe and outlook.exe i have to end process on both of them or they stay running. i have ms office 2000 with SP3 installed for that program. my OS is windows XP SP3 with all updates.
if you cant fix this soon where can i download Avast 6 last version until you get this fixed.
please let me know if there is a fix for this or avast 6 will work too.
ok now that i had more time to trouble shoot this issue i did on my own.
i uninstalled avast 7 and rebooted and i logged back into windows i deleted the avast folder. now i opened up outlook 2000 and then closed it and no outlook.exe or winword.exe processes were still running they closed on there own.
now i rebooted and installed avast 7 again and after reboot i opened outlook 2000 and closed it and there was outlook.exe and winword.exe still running, held open by avast 7.
now i uninstalled and rebooted and then installed avast 7 again this time WITHOUT MAIL SCANNER and rebooted.
I opened outlook and when i closed it both outlook.exe and winword.exe closed on there own.
so my test and all my trouble shooting proves avast 7 mail scanner will not work with outlook 2000.
why would you break the mail scanner i dont get it i been using avast since avast 3 and never had a problem. it would be nice if you can email me when this issue is fixed and ill reinstall the program this time with the mail scanner. for now my email wont be scanned.
if you need to know which version or service packs i have installed for outlook 2000 read first post its all there.
also i noticed nobody said this was an issue or even a response to my post except the person that gave me the link to install avast 6 which i did ask for if i couldnt get this working.