Avast 7 Bug

Hi there… I updated to Avast 7 today. (7.0.1407). I use it in Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bit). Since upgradig the built-in windows function, that used to change my wallpaper every 30 seconds does not work anymore… What can I do to fix that? Anything i have to put on the “ignore”-list???

every 30 minutes of course, sorry my fault.

avast! free version or paid one?
Additional protection > Autosandbox > Settings > Exclusions

it is the free version i am using. and after upgrading, the first thing i did was to set it so, that it asks me for confirmation, before running a programme in the sandbox. i was not asked such a question… so i doubt it has to do with the sandbox mode. but even if it was: I found the exclusion settings in avast already before your answer (but thanks for it, i really appreciate it) , but what do i have to exclude there? it is not a installed programme, it is a native windows feature that is disabled here… upgrading avast was the only thing i changed on my system, so i guess it can’t have another reason.

This is not becuse of Avast in my opinion. Have you tried changing your theme and does all the wallpapers in the theme pack checked? If nothing else is working, do a system restore :slight_smile:

This is not becuse of Avast in my opinion. Have you tried changing your theme and does all the wallpapers in the theme pack checked? If nothing else is working, do a system restore :slight_smile:

hey i have defragmented my all drives recently…cleaned all spywares…etc…
and after the reboot this is my observation…alas more weird

                                                                 time              cumulative

pressed the power on button at 0 secs 0 secs
logon sound 56.72secs 56.72secs
logon screen 1.46secs 58.18secs
welcome screen to black screen with cursor 1min26secs 1min44.00secs
blue circle appeaRS with cursor 9min27.13secs 10min53.13secs
start+taskbar 5.9secs 10min59.03secs
start sound 48.62secs 11min47.65secs
fully load 1min44.12secs13min31.77secs

…earlier my comp was woking fine…and it all started with avast7 upgrade
so something is wrong …plz help me to fix this…s**t now it takes 13.5 minutes to load …wat to do…freezing problem is solved if u leave the computer till it fully loads

Yes i tried changing the theme, did not help. Wallpapers are also fine… but i was able to solve that problem now. My Windows is set so, that it shoud change Wallpapers at full hour and at half hour. I now did quit Avast at 11:28, and at 11:30 Windows changed the wallpaper as it should do. Then i restarted Avast and also now at 12:00 it did change the wallpaper, althought avast was running. I guess something was blocked or so.

No issue with changing desktops or any time scale for the slide show here.

after it worked now for some time properly, i now have the problem again…

Well I am also using Windows 7 SP-1 and Avast 7 free. The slide show of wallpapers is working fine with me. So I think the problem is not because of Avast. Have you tried reducing the wallpaper changing time to something like 10 sec?
Or Have you checked the exclusion list “Additional protection > AutoSandbox > Settings > Exclusions”
The exclusion list in my PC is something like below:
(The R and W column is checked in all the below paths except in the last one containing “firefox\profiles” which has only W checked. The X column is unchecked in all cases.)

Make sure you have also these exclusions in your exclusion list. You can ignore the last one if you don’t have firefox. Try this and tell me if it is working…

Maybe you should consider checking your computer’s power plan. Some low-power-consuming plans sometimes halt the wallpaper slideshow whenever the battery level is critical.

@L’arc: It’s a desktop computer. so no battery or power saving plans in there…

@vishnu: if it was really supposed, that every normal user has to exclude files of the system core manually, then version 7 would be really a bad piece of software… and again: i have disabled the auto sandbox, so the sandbox mode cannot be the solution. but i am convinced, that it must be beacuse of updating to version 7, because i did not have the problem before… but thanks for your answers. i really appreciate your efforts… when i had the problem first i also tried it with changing the interval to 10 seconds, but that did not help.

but anyway… i monitored it over the last 24 hours, and the problem did not occur again. i hope it is gone now… i still think, that some file got locked durig the updating process, and quitting avast for seconds released it… but can’t say for sure…