if there is a problem…how do you know it is a avast problem and not comodo ???
but i guess you have posted the same please fix it over in comodo forum!
No I didn’t. But someone else has posted on comodo forums and someone replied that It’s problem of Avast’s Web Shield
EDIT: So I’ve installed Comodo Firewall and after restart I don’t see Comodo tray icon. I had to manually turn it on. That’s first compatibility problem I’ve noticed. Also, COMODO firewall is now really annoying - without avast! wasn’t. Also I’ve noticed that Sandbox was turned off by default. Is that cuz of compatibility? AND another thing is that Cloud services are turned off since COMODO installed. LOL.
@danny96: apart from the problem of u not being able to see comodo’s tray icon, the other problem recently stated is that comodo firewall is unable to block browsers/ apps that connect to the internet when avast web shield is active is due to web shield being acting as a proxy.
rather than being avast fault here, it is a design flaw of comodo firewall which cannot block any internet connection directed through a proxy (bypassed the firewall). this is potentially dangerous as it can be exploited by malware.
see explanation here: quote from lukor, "Hi guys,
this is really very interesting. Matousec’s leak tests show 100% for COMODO, yet, apparently the firewall is not able to catch a Web proxy which our WebShield is.
I am not saying that Comodo is a bad firewall, on contrary, it is highly regarded, but maybe this might be a contribution to the relevancy of the leak tests – as I see it from my brief glimpse on this issue, any program acting in the same way as avast does can overcome the firewall rules. Somewhat surprising for a product with such high leak-test “certification”.
Concerning the fix from avast! side: I doubt we would fix this, making changes in the code, so that other firewalls block our traffic is exactly the opposite what we try to do.
Nice comment on the Comodo forum from the moderator though:
Re: Comodo Does not work with Avast 7!
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2012, 06:27:55 AM »
This seems like an issue with Avast.
They changed the code. They will have to fix it.
I only hope that malware and unwanted programs follow the same guideline.
One sure working workaround: Dont use the avast web shield for this time. A lot of antivirus programs dont have any. And you are protected by comodo defense+.
The web shield is the least impacting security feature against infection in this scenario, compared to uninstall a product.
If you download something, scan it before you execute it. To be "sure".
Any concerns?
Best quote I have seen for a while along with this one
Use no-script firefox addon.
Use a sandbox.
If your antivirus can not detect malicious code, how should the web shield do this?
I think this shows a lack of understanding by Comodo what the actual function of webshield is
Absolutely not, contrary to what Comodo thinks, the web shield is possibly the most effective of the avast shields. We didn’t even know what comodo elements you were running.
In all of this topic, you haven’t actually said what this compatibility issue is (tray icon not displaying, don’t think so), no error messages, etc. etc. the more information you can provide the more likely it is the more chance of finding what the issue might be.
If this were truly a compatibility issue, with the numbers of people using the comodo firewall and avast, this would be reflected in massive numbers of posts about it.
Well, web shield even disabled my internet and after I turned of WS then internet worked again. Then I re-enabled WS and no problems. IDK I was worried about It so I uninstalled avast! because there were many issues. You may now say this is stupid but when I uninstalled avast! then NO defense+ or sandbox notifications jumped. With Avast! I got spammed by COMODO defense+ about drivers trying to access the internet etc…
but I also see in your sig that you have Comodo AV. Could it be it ? Your cause of Comodo not working right or even Avast!. If you are going to run Avast! free and Comodo, first install only Cfw. Second you must choose only one autosandbox so deactivate one.
Unfortunately, and this is my opinion, if you have Windows 7, it is better to try another firewall, Outpost or Online Armor. Even PC Tools firewall or Private firewall. Eventhough Comodo says that unknown connections by unknown programs are still detected, the fact that Comodo can not have total control on white listed programs due to Avast! web shield proxy behavior is unnerving.
You can also do as Asyn does. Just install Comodo 3.14 IMO the best firewall Comodo made.