Avast 7 Free - Cloud Eat Bandwidth?

I live in rural America (sadly enough) and the fastest “high speed” I have available is Frontier 3MB, which really = 1.5 MB on a good day (download speed). With several people in the house and several computers on you can see that bandwidth is an issue (“honey, I can’t read my email - can you pause your video for a moment?”)

On that note, does Avast 7 cloud services eat bandwidth? I love the cloud at work where this isn’t an issue but at home EVERYTHING is an issue (I have set Netflix, Hulu, etc. to “Low” quality for my “high speed” DSL).

Thanks for your advice.

I’d say the traffic should be very small - not comparable to videos, radios, or any other streaming content.

Hi All,

I read this and I started laughing!

I live in South Africa.

I work for a Hosting Company and the fastest internet available in the country is 10mb!

Most home user’s in SA have DSL 384. (Maximum download speed is 38 kbps)

Most businesses have 4 MB lines (Maximum of 390 kbps download) ← this is regarded has extremely fast here.