Avast 7 (Free edition) Keeps Crashing My Computer During Virus Scan

Hello, I have an Acer Aspire Timeline X laptop running Windows 7 home edition.
I’ve been using avast! for a couple of months now and everything’s been cool. But today I ran a virus scan and avast scans up to exactly 11700 files and then everything on my whole computer slows waaaaaaay down and I end up having to restart. If I don’t restart I get the old BSOD with a memory dump. So I uninstalled and reinstalled version 7.0.1426.0 twice now to no avail. Everytime I run a scan, quick or full, it gets to 11700 files and boom, nothing doing. Another important point to mention I think, is that everytime it’s stopped, it’s stopped on a different file.

Please help!


Same problem! My DELL Inspiron with windows 7 ultimate slowed to snail’s pace and my hard disk led always used to be on!Faced BSOD twice! Now I have uninstalled avast 7 and reinstalled 6 and my PC is fine.

Did any of these machines have a preinstalled AV When new ?

Did You Remove it before installing avast ?

Did You use a removaltool to clear any leftover files that may conflict ?

Run an reboot - Uninstallers – Security Software

thanks, I’m trying this right after class and will post as to how well it works!

Аваст Free7, в сводке показывает что не запущены все экраны в реальном времени. А именно экран почты, пишет “Служба остановлена”, пробовал через установку-удаление программ - “Изменение”, скачиваются обновления, перезагрузка и снова тот же результат. Удалял и заново устанавливал AVAST и снова “Служба остановлена”… Как исправить?

Please either post in english or ask your questions in the appropriate section for your language http://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=28.0