BUG: Avast7 add-ins anti spam module for Microsoft Outlook (2010) bug is preventing Outlook from releasing its resident memory at Windows (7) Startup.
It happens after upgrading to Avast 7 (was not a problem with latest v.6). When I tried to execute Ms Outlook, it just didn’t open nor show up.
Work around: I must forcibly choose to End Task for the ‘hangging’ OUTLOOK.EXE from Task Manager, after that then Ms Outlook window panel show up.
At first i was confused me which software calls Outlook at startup then make it freeze at resident (tray) memory. But after in-depth-investigation, I solve this buggy problem by DEACTIVATING Avast AntiSPAM add-ins/module for OUTLOOK.
May Avast team hear this bug report so we can expect to see this problem resolved without deactivating avast anti spam add-ins.
Love Avast… :-*