Avast 7 Pro- Inserting extended licence?

I purchased a one year extension for Avast 7.0.1426 and installed the adaware96 programme that was sent.
This did not automatically update the expiry date of my programme. (due June 7!)
I was given a license key with 5 blocks of numbers. But I need either an activation code (with 3 blocks of data + other info.) or a ‘avastlic’ file?
Any Ideas?

Where did you purchase the licesne from? All license files will be avastlic or you would have the activation code if you purchased a boxed retail package.

Only purchase from the avast website or your local Reseller.

I obtained the licence by accepting this offer!

Dear John- - - - - - -

As a valued Ad-Aware PRO user, we would like to offer you the opportunity to
renew your license at a specially discounted price of 50% OFF on the regular price.

Renew your license and continue to be protected with our most popular security
software today.

To take advantage of this offer, please click here.

Best Regards,
Your Lavasoft Ad-Aware Team

Well, Ad-Aware Pro is something completely different than avast! Pro…!!!
Two companies, two products…!! :wink:
So, you can’t update your avast! Pro with a license from Lavasoft.

That answers my question; I will thank you in a moment (when I have wiped the egg from my face :slight_smile:
Many Thanks ; John

You’re welcome.