Avast 7 Security suite install does not go past firewall setup

So I decided to renew my subscription and install version 7. I removed version 6 manually and rebooted my computer.

Ran the avast_internet_security_Setup.exe install and it never gets past the firewall portion. I lose internet connectivity and my connection is stuck at identifying. I left it for 20 minutes and saw no progress. Cancelled the install and had to end the avast setup process via task manager. Rebooted into safe mode and removed avast using the uninstall utility.

Tried that 2 times…

Obviously my system does not like the NDIS firewall driver that is being installed.

My system is Windows 7 Ultimate - totally current on all windows updates.

it was running Avast version 6 just fine.

So how do I fix this before I ask for a refund?

btw the captcha service on this forum is horrible. Took me 20 refreshes to get something I could read.

Some users reported that, for them to install AIS 7, they

1_ installed Avast Free 7;
2_ rebooted;
3_ added AIS license;
4_ rebooted;
5_ is necessary, Add/Remove Programs → avast → change → add all components included in AIS;
6_ rebooted.

That was with clean installs. Step #5 (or similar) should be enough to update from AIS 6 to 7, but since the workaround worked for some…

I will give this a try.

Looks like this version should have been in beta little bit more.

Thanks for the tips.

This entry is in the firewall.log file for avast

2/25/2012 12:12:17 AM GetNicVendor error 1168

So avast doesn’t recognize NIC’s from the Nvidia chipsets. Seems like a large oversight…