Avast 7 slowing internet and mouse

So I have had Avast 7 for about 3 days. In those three days I have had significant mouse lag. I installed a few other programs, but narrowed it down to Avast after tryign to figure the problem out. I went as a far as doing a fresh install thinking my COmputer was infected by a virus that, Avast and Malwarebytes couldn’t find.

Online Armor Firewall status, shows that everytime i experience the lag, Avast is sending anywhere from 7 - 15 connections out, and cause an added 5-10 IEinternet connections as well. The lag can be as long as 5 minutes to over half an hour. Avast has all the permissions needed to work properly.

This lag makes using the mouse, either for work or gaming purposes, unbearable.

Any idea how to fix this or will there be an update to solve the problem?

I am a first time user of Avast and the options it gives makes it look like a fantastci AV product, but if it interupts my gaming and especially my work then I’ll have to use another AV sotfware.

Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: I only have Avast 7 free, Online Armor Free,Cleanmem, CCleaner, Malwarebytes, Spywareblaster, foxit reader, installed in my computer.

4gb ram, Amd Phenom quad core, windows 7 pro 64-bit

I’ve been having similar problems. My internet didn’t really slow down though, but my mouse started lagging and skipping pretty much everytime something involving some file or script operation happend, when loading websites or images, also when closing them, when loading/executing scripts on websites, when receiving email, general file operations, in games, etc.
I’m glad I found this thread which gave me the right idea, I started turning off the real-time protection of avast and my mouse started working smooth again, though not entirely, I still got lags in steam and games, so I deinstalled the whole thing (thx for not making it possible to simply remove avast from auto-start) and now everything is working fine.
There goes the second antivirus software I deinstall because a new version introduced an annoying bug.

Oh right:
Windows 7 64bit
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66GHz
Asus P5K-E Motherboard
GeForce GTX 460
Logitech MX518 Mouse

Okay, I have to take back what I wrote, sorry.

I installed MSE after I had deinstalled avast, and the lags occurred again.
So I installed the Logitech Set Point driver - have worked without it so far - and updated my graphics driver.
Then the mouse behaviour became even odder, after a severe lag when starting Firefox the speed of the pointer had suddenly changed.
So I dug my old cordless Logitech mouse and tried it out instead…and everything was functioning smoothly.

It strikes me as odd how a hardware problem can appear as some weird software problem and even appear as almost fixed, but that’s it, my mouse is broken.