At first of all I would like to thanks for all great work and good years with Avast Free
but untill version 7!
This was total failure and dont tell us that only mistake of uploading bad files to the server.
How u could release with all advertimsents on the web and still have only “good” words on your own web for version which maked a lot troubles to many people? And you still dont have some solution right on first page of to help not too much advanced users! They have to search on forums etc >:(
Probably it was only 12h but this is enough time to “destroy” hundreds pc´s - for example my experience - after update to avast 7 my mouse software = mouse stopped to work, my sound card has stopped as well so no sound and pc has slowed totaly and slow browsing is minimal problem in compare to this or BSOD of many others.
- yes as lot users wrote here many other problems and updating doesnt worked, only solution was to disable selfprotection of avast and use avast cleaner and thanks god that i have avast 6 installation file! - but my settings and exceptions which i had are gone = i have to make them again
Probably now there are some fixes but still they should be on top page of
Hope that next time u will check new version twice or maybe more times than u released it to public also with all grace as at avast 7
and the person whoes cause this will be fired or at least punished
PS Yes I am now very angry and i forgot to all great things u did before becouse of the problem with avast 7 but problems are normal (this problem seem for me totaly pointless - u had to check it before release it) but which maked me angry is your attitude to the problem - people have to search on forums to fix it instead to find the solution right on top of avast page (again for example my grandma hadnt any clue what to do and I had to go there to fix it)