Avast 8 Free, aswTdi issues

Clean install recently of Windows 8 Pro with media center
Installed Avast free 8.0.1489
checked event viewer today and found this

The description for Event ID 16001 from source AFD cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.

If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.

The following information was included with the event:


is there a fix for this?

besides a clean Avast reinstall or repair?

I have some of those on my system yet I have experienced no problems at all… Are you experiencing problems ?

Just had Sleep mode not working right, but I seemed to have fixed that, did Avast repair, and first time in 3 days last night, sleep mode actually went to sleep autoly lol.

Same for my Vista 32bit machine upstairs, and XP laptop.

Not sure what the exact issue was with Sleep mode and Avast, but it seems fixed now

Not sure if related either to aswTdi issues in Event viewer on Windows 8 PC at all either

That Event Log error is just a bug in Avast 8 with Windows 8.
See: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=120426.0

This has been reported several times.

Something else I have noticed with windows 8 and Avast is the following :

Every few days for an hour or so windows security centre decides that Avast is turned off and not working… It is really :slight_smile:
So I suffer that for a bit and then reboot… Lo and behold security centre is happy again, this started happening after the last set of windows updates

Well Guess Avast is working fine, or as well as it’s gonna be with Windows 8, Security Center does same on mine at times, reboot does solve it though so not worried on that at all. Perhaps when 8.1 is final, all the quirky little bugs will finally be solved, well can wish that lol anyways

First of all, hello all Avast! users. I have decided to register today and to post here finally. I use Avast! since the version 4. From 6, the aswTdi issue persist, but it seems to be more disturbing on Windows 8 64 bit (frequent BSOD by several times - and in the log same issue: aswTdi). Here are some forum quotes:

and here we go - two years a go:

The message seems to be the same on every time, but since the aswTdi is such a pain in the ***, why isn’t removed yet?