Avast 9 update failed

AvastUI.exe - Unable to locate component

This application has failed to start because libcef.dll was not found.


You don’t say what operating system you have, but if it is Windows 7, that file is normally in
C:\program Files\Avast Software\Avast.

Check if it is there. If it isn’t then your installation is not complete.

You mention update in the thread title, so I assume you have tried to update Avast from some previous version to the latest version. There have been a number of builds of 9, aka 2014. The current version is 2014.9.0.2011
If the update is done from within the program itself, there can be issues.

My suggestion would be to download the latest version, also download a copy of avastclear.exe.
Uninstall your current installation, then run avastclear.exe to clean up.
Reboot, then do a clean installation, then reboot again.