Avast abort connection - broke my internet

So, I visited some sites and got redirected to some sketchy websites as usually, then avast gave me the message to abort connection, and I pressed it to 3 different sites, then my internet access was gone, tried restarting, tried turning off avast firewall and many different thing but it still doesnt give me any internet connection and shows the globe with an X in the taskbar, that meand there is no internet connection. (discord, google chrome and other things dont load because there is no internet.)

To be clear, ive tried restarting the chrome settings, tried reseting default firewall settings, tried reseting internet settings

Have you tried restarting your computer? Not turning off but Restart.

I’ve tried restarting many many many times, sadly did not work.

What operating System> What version of Avast? What other security related programs are running?

Hello, i got sick so i cant tell you the version of avast right now, but my OS is Windows 10. I have another antivirus “MalwareBytes”, i also had installed other antiviruses but they have been deleted.

Regarding Avast & Malwarebytes, see: https://support.malwarebytes.com/hc/en-us/articles/360051090194-Issues-running-other-security-applications-and-Malwarebytes-for-Windows

I fully deleted malwarebytes but it didnt help. Network status shows that the ethernet is working but i cant access the internet.

Maybe i should turn off something in “Remote access shield”?

See if this is of any help to you,

I don’t have antitrack installed, perhaps i should try turning off web shield in cores?

One of the sites that i aborted connection to was the same site in this topic https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=298790.0

I’ve factory resetted my computer since it really needed to be, i guess the problem is over.

Nevermind, internet is still not working, it maybe an issue with the internet itself

I can recommend the following tool. I’ve used it for years.

Thank you for your help but it did not work, i will try to fix my cabel, internet or the router itself.

The tool is designed to help if your problem is related to incorrect settings. It can’t help if the problem is hardware or Internet Service Provider related. Good luck.

My dad fixed the internet, just did something with the router switch, thank you for your time!
