avast! Account Notification - Google Drive login invalid

I got an email saying to disable and then re-enable google drive.

I have a Nexus 5 phone with Avast and it is protected. My Windows 7 computer says it is not protected with realtime shields.

Here is the email

Please reauthorize avast! by disabling and enabling Google Drive on your avast! profile page.
Show device in avast! Account portal

AVAST Software

I see no Google Drive on any profile page anywhere.

my.avast.com account → top right (your name) → google drive

OOOOOOOOH it was in a drop down box!!! OMG! And the arrow is very small. I kept looking up how to do it and everyone online said to disable Google Drive from your Avast profile but that never helped me.

And I build computers and I have a minor in computer science… And I couldn’t handle this task…

Irrespective if you are a IT specialist or not, I agree with you that Avast error message with respect to invalid log in to Google Drive is more or less a Catch 22 problem.
I do not understand that Avast sends lots of email to give alerts about Log in problem into Google Drive and then sends email with instruction to Log in to Avast as such to solve the problem.

They lack a clear guide of how to solve this - there are no leads on there at Avast client web page - and it locks that Avast - due to lack of clear instruction to user of how to solve the problem - have created a perfect source of sending email with error message that I need to classify as spam.

Sorry to say that Avast seams to be more technical source then Customer oriented service provider.
