I then have only 2 Menu options.
No Menu item for Forum, Avast Homepage or links to Avast Blog entries as in the past.
I am using Avast Free on Windows and Andriod, so no Subscriptions.
Choosing Devices I see my Android device listed.
I then have 4 Menu options.
“Avast Homepage”.
There are still no links to Avast Blog items.
This redirection behaviour has happened only in past few days.
I am seeing this redirection behaviour on Win10, Firefox, Opera and Avast browsers. Also Linux Firefox.
I am fnding it annoying that I cannot now get to all Avast account features from login.
I am having first to select “Devices” from Menu to get a Menu that includes “Forum” option.
Not had any replies, so done a bit more investgating myself.
Transpires that on sucessful login to my.avast (i.e. Avast Account), the first page that appears very briefly is “Phones” page (see screenshot), before redirecting to the unpopulated “Subscriptions” page. It was difficult capturing the screenshot as the “Phones” page only appears for les than 1 second.
In any case I do not see “Phones” page as menu item either on “Subscriptions” page menu or “Devices” page menu.
The menu items are as I posted before.
Also as mentioned before I get this on multiple browsers and systems.
So is this “Phones” page screwing up my.avast login and causing redirection to subequipped menu “Subscriptions” page?
Anyone else affected by this bad behaviour on login to my.avast?
Edit 22/4/19. Uploaded sequence of cropped and annotated screenshots to explain what I am seeing.
Note only way to navigate to “Forum” is via “Devices” page.
As has been mentioned massive changes to the my.avast.com, essentially it means there is bugger all there for free avast users. Unless of course you have some other paid subscription, in which case you would see that in Subscriptions.
It is meant to display mobile devices, but that I believe is only if you have the AMS Anti Theft module rooted. Or presumably have purchased AMS Pro.
You can crop images so they show what is needed to show the issue, it keeps the image within the forum window.
@mchain: Yes I read about changes to my.avast as per the item you linked.
@DavidR: I have edited my last post above with sequence of cropped screenshots to better illustrate what I am seeing.
I agree with your sentiment about inferior usefulness of my.avast. It is especially more difficult now for users to navigate to this Forum via my.avast.
Yes, very challenging to navigate, much less find what it is you want.
As a side note I have never gone to the my.avast.com page to get to the forum (outside of testing). I just use a book mark or more often I still have a Firefox Tab open.
When I logon to my avast its not showing my subscription even though I’ve had the same subscription for years. Also the avast that is installed isn’t picking up my subscription even though i’m logged into my account on the avast program. I even had my license emailed to me and it tells me its a license for an unsupported program.