Avast activated / not activated, please advice / help

Hi there!

Recently (even just) I noticed that after starting up (Vista) I was noticed by Windows “Avast (Free) isn’t actvated (virus protectin)” whereas Avast (as admin) reports “activated”. Unfortunately this was not the first time.

I feel unsecure, what’s going on?

How to fix?

Thanks for hel and advice!

Kind regards, Hermie

See if the following resolves your problem:

Thanks Bob!

It’s “Avast Roulette”, after starting up my computer (Vista) may be protected (acc to Avast) or not (acc to MS).

Will reinstalling of Avast Free fix the problem?

Replies and recommendations are welcome, thanks in advance.

Best regards, Hermie

The problem is that the windows security center/windows action center has been prone to this (not recognising the installed AV) for several OS generations.

It can be as a result of corruption in the WSC/WAC, reinstalling can resolve this problem, but if it doesn’t we will have to try and repair the WSC/WAC, as outlined in the link Bob gave.