avast added 0 virus definition ???

Yes, i know this is strange… ;D

Yes, i know this is strange... Grin

Likely reason is a cleanup of an earlier virus definition database file, or removal of a def file reporting false positive for some consumers.

What did the avast UI indicate concerning def. updates?

Yes even i saw it today looks akward to me :stuck_out_tongue:

It isn’t strange if you look at all of the information in the image.

  1. The image shows that the latest update version was 120202-2 that means it is 2012 February 02 (3rd update of the day).

  2. So until there is a 120203-0 (or higher VPS version), then effectively there would have been no additions to virus definitions for the 3rd of February 2012.

My UI shows 120203-0 Which indicates there have been updates. :slight_smile:

It doesn’t matter what your UI shows but what version is shown in the image as that would be what it is comparing against. e.g. if the latest VPS version as far as it was concerned was 120202-2, then logically there wouldn’t be anything ‘yet’ for the 3rd February 2012.

avast! does not release placebo updates.
Seems to be a glitch or, like mchain said, other changes in the virus definitions database.

Latest database info: