avast! always wants to delete my files


my up2date version of avast makes some troubles:

always when i want to install new programms (today i installed a new version of diVx) a window opens and asks if i want to delete some files, and if i click on “yes” or “yes to all” it deletes the mentioned datas…and the installation isn’t correct anymore…

if i click on deny it doesnt delete it (logically, it doesnt have to delete it!)

so do you know why the programm wants to delete that files which doesnt have to be deleted because i want to install them and NOT DELETE them…

best regards,

Avast normally only will ask what to do if it finds infected files.

  • Did you change any settings in Avast?
  • What files does it detect?
  • What is their location?
  • What infection is detected?
  • What version of Avast?
  • What vps version?
  • What OS?

You yourself changed the default settings of the Standard Shield.
See the Blocker tab settings and disable all itens. In the Help file there are more information.
Avast is one of the most configurable antivirus round. Please, tweak it carefully, learn first :wink:

Wellcome 8)


so you mean if i set the wrong settings the programm will not work correctly and will make /can also make some mistakes?

Avast normally only will ask what to do if it finds infected files.

nope, i dont mean while avast was scanning something, i mean when i installed DivX or any other programm…

Hi Markus,
how about first cleaning & updating your WIN, before doing any further installing ?

P.S.: you didn’t maybe download this DivX-stuff via P2P/Filesharing/Kaza or similar ?
Sondern von der Hersteller-Seite bzw einer sonstigen seriösen Seite… ?

Why are you surprised? ::slight_smile:
This is computer life: if you delete a system file, if you format a disk, if you choose windows to not update (and, sometimes, to update ;D), if you do not browse safely, if a hacker (or your close friend ;D) stole your passwords…

If you do something wrong, like in Forrest Gump movie you will have to say: shit happens!

As Eddy asked already: can you give us a few examples of the files avast! detects as infected (full file names/paths, a link to download if possible) and the name of the detected virus?

While it is possible that avast! gives a false alarm occasionally, it certainly shouldn’t happen very often.

well, @ technical: hmm, if i find a virus, ill do like forrst gump did, and i’ll RUN :stuck_out_tongue:

P.S.: you didn't maybe download this DivX-stuff via P2P/Filesharing/Kaza or similar ? Sondern von der Hersteller-Seite bzw einer sonstigen seriösen Seite.. ?

either you speak german or english :stuck_out_tongue:

and nope, i didnt download it from kazaa or p2p, i downloaded it from the originally divx-homepage…so there shouldn’t be a virus…

do you know now what i mean? i posted a screeenshot of an example…

and another screenshot with a smaller path…

and now please answers is this is normal or if i made something wrong

thx :slight_smile:

markus, you’re using the Blocker module. This works for quite old virus. It’s not supposed to be a ‘regular’ option as you will be warned of a lot of deleted files: temporary ones, etc.
If you let that options without mark, you won’t be unprotected.
You can find a little more in the Help files.
Take care :slight_smile:

P.S. How are you doing in Austria?

Ah, OK… so, avast! isn’t actually deleting anything, quite the opposite :wink:
As Technical said, those are warnings from the Behavior Blocker. avast! is warning you that something (some other program) is trying to delete a file and it’s asking you whether the operation should be permitted.

While it may be sort of suspicious for executable files, it’s certainly quite a common thing today (in the second case, it’s just Internet Explorer deleting the file (avast! Virus Cleaner) from its cache).
To turn off these warnings, just go to the resident protection control window, select the Standard Shield provider, switch to the 3rd page (Blocker) and uncheck those 4 checkboxes under “Blocked operations”.

hmm, so avast doesnt delete any files i would still need but he/she/it thinks it’s not necessary?

am i right if i think that only cache-files which are not needed by windows are deleted?

* markus0r didnt find where i can disable it :frowning:

markus, you're using the Blocker module. This works for quite old virus. It's not supposed to be a 'regular' option as you will be warned of a lot of deleted files: temporary ones, etc. If you let that options without mark, you won't be unprotected. You can find a little more in the Help files. Take care

P.S. How are you doing in Austria?

btw…where are the help files?

[offtopic] I’m doing fine in austria, where are you from? or have you have been to austria? [/offtopic]

Right click the ‘a’ blue icon.
Start avast antivirus.
Right click the skin.
Choose Help.

Or, go to folder: C:.…\Avast4[i]English[/i]\HELP

Or you could click the windows Start > All Programs > avast! Anti-virus > Help

already found the help-files :slight_smile:

btw, technical, you still didnt answer my question if you’ve ever been to austria :stuck_out_tongue:

I was affraid to get off-topic 8)
No, I never. Although, some of my ancesters are from Austria but, there are others from Scotland, Spanish… I’m a EuroMan ;D

I was affraid to get off-topic 8) No, I never. Although, some of my ancesters are from Austria but, there are others from Scotland, Spanish... I'm a EuroMan ;D

what is exactly an euroman? :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, a man that cannot say I’m … , because my grandfathers are fore more than ten european countries ;D

oh, now i learned new things again hehe