hello i have a big problem with aol!

i use thuderbird mailer to receive aol mails with imap.fr.aol.com and smtp.fr.aol.com!
when i use only thunderbirdd et avast is not install on my computer, it’s oki i can reveice mails! but when i install avast and avast choise automaticelly imap.fr.aol.com and smtp.fr.aol.com to scan mail, i can’t receive mail and thunderbird refuse to connect with aol client
thanks you for your help for using avast and thunderbird with aol accompt


Avast is not configured correctly. You will need to manually setup the Avast configuraton according to the steps in the Help file under Manual Configuration.

It should solve the problem.


but i do automatic confugation and manually! but nada
thunderbird the smtp and imap protocol change in…and when i use thunderbird it crash


Please check the [MailScanner] section in your avast4.ini and verify you have the following lines:


If any of the lines are missing/different please insert/replace them.

After that refer to the avast! help file under “Manual Setting of Mail Protection” for a clear explanation of how to set up your imap user name e.g. username#imap.fr.aol.com and change your imap server to in Thunderbird.

Also make sure the Internet Mail provider is running in the avast Resident Shield.

Sean D

i suppose if thunderbird block, it’s because aol block the port 25 smtp, and if you want receive and send mail, you have to change the defaut port smtp with de port 587! and i suppose avast recognize automatically port 25 for smtp and not port 587?
what do you think about this?

What port numbers are set in your Thunderbird accounts for SMTP and IMAP ?