Avast and automatic Skype upgrade: Skype shutdown fails

I’m running Windows 10 and Avast Free AV 12.3.2280 (build 12.3.3154.23). I have Software Updater enabled.

Frequently weird looking dialog boxes appear on my screen like this:


Using Process Explorer I can see that each of these dialog boxes belong to a different Skype process. Inspecting all Skype processes shows that one is “normal” and all others show this:

Command Line: “I:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe” /shutdown
Current Directory: I:\Windows\Temp\avast_ash2\Skype
Parent Process: asulaunch.exe

To me this all looks like Avast is trying to install a new version of Skype and before doing so needs to shut down Skype and this is where something goes wrong.

In I:\Windows\Temp\avast_ash2\Skype\ is an asulaunch.log file and there I see these lines:

14/12/16 00:34:03 INFO: New logging session started…

14/12/16 00:34:04 INFO: LUA: process id: 16468
14/12/16 00:35:04 ERROR: Exception: ScriptGuidedInstall/_G.assert: error: waitForSingleObject failed due to false

What is the problem here?


Hello pethu,

thank you for the report. Unfortunately we were unable to reproduce this issue, so could you please provide some additional info to help us investigate it?

  1. Have you installed Skype regularly (from skype.com), or from Microsoft Store?
  2. Could you please try to shutdown Skype while it is running, using this command line:
"I:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /shutdown

Do weird looking dialog boxes appear after executing?

Thank you in advance.


Ran Software Updater and another Window opened with nothing in it. ???
Using the latest avast beta.

I have this same message, too. Issue started to appear some weeks ago.

Windows 10 Home, Avast Free updated to latest version, account is non-administrative (PC has 2 accounts, one Admin which is mine and one normal user for my wife).

I have the same problems as you. :-\

Would like to add:

  • Skype and Avast installed both “as administrator” from admin account
  • Can update Skype from non-admin account, Windows pops UAC prompt and proceeds after submitting admin credentials
  • Sometimes no such message for days, then suddenly 4-5

Thanks. It works :). You are the best.

I ran

"I:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe" /shutdown

It worked without problem, Skype did shut down from an non-admin account. Still the odd message box is there. Please advise.

Edit: forgot to say clearly that the above instruction DID NOT give the message box from the first message in this thread.

Hello Dutch Gemini,

thank you for the answer. The problem is confirmed, we’re working on the fix.
