AVAST and Cameyo virtualized programs

I have faced some problems with the new version of AVAST free. I would like some guidance and help.

  1. by clicking settings-> General-> Maintenance, I see that the VIRUS CHEST does not display the list of files in CHEST. does it no longer exist? reinstall AVAST?

  2. I use VirtualBox and Cameyo to generate virtualized programs. Finishing the whole process of virtualization, when copying from virtual machine to the host, AVAST reports that there is a virus in the virtualized application. I could see that AVAST points to LOADER in the virtualized program that appears incorrect information. this type of error has happened several times with some applications in the past and I informed AVAST and there was a correction, but now the case is more serious: all generated applications cause this problem.

I thank in advance a help in this regard.

ad 1) Virus chest is accessible i.e. from context menu of tray icon (right click on avast tray icon).
ad 2) We need the detected file(s) to analyze. Create a ticket on https://support.avast.com
