I noticed when scan a zip file and there is a comment in that zip. The avast says there is a password in the file.
if you have a encripted/passworded ZIP file then avast can’t scan it because it needs the password to scan inside it
I know about that, but the files has only comment and not has a password.
Ok then, we need more info, like what file is doin this, and where is it (full path).
No, you’re not right 8).
Comment is always skipped (it’s stored at the end of file and not intresting for us)…
Please send me your commented archive to my email. I would tell you more.
No, you're not right . 8)
Oki i stand corrected :-[
OK sacampos follow PK’s suggestion, he no more then me
I found the error. There was other file in side the zip and this file has a password.
Please for give me.