I know this issue has discussed before but please, I want to rectify my curiosity.
Why avast doesn’t detect EICAR test file when standard shield has set to normal level except I execute that file? (I know avast does well in high level)
Why avast doesn’t detect VBS/Redlof virus in html file when standard shield has set to normal level ? (avast can detect this virus immediately in high level)
Because of I have introduced my beloved avast to all my friends and everybody as much as I can. but some of friend wants to test avast if he sets avast right by downloading an EICAR test file but avast doesn’t detect it at the first place so he starts bashing avast and tell me avast is worse than AVG 6, Ho…my God >:( I’ve spent a much time to make it clear by explain how to set avast right and why to do that.
My curiosity is, If viruses such as VBS/Redlof in html file can slip through standard shield (sensitivity level:normal) when I open a web page, this virus can execute and infect system without protection from standard shield? (assume that I dont’ patch Windows flaw)
As you see in a pix standard shiled (sensitivity level:normal) doesn’t detect VBS/Redlof in html file unless I use avast quick scanner.
Thanks for your opinions.