avast and FAI mail


sorry for my english but i’m french and i don’t speak well
i would like to know if “avast” can secure my FAI message box.
i use wanadoo message box .I just want to know if AVAST secure my e-mail box in wanadoo, directly. If its possible you let me know how to configure avast to adapt it to my system please.

best regards

hello and welcome to the ALWIL software forums! to help you I need to know what exactly is FAI Mail. I have never heard of it.

FAI (in french " fournisseur d’accès Internet") means ISP (“Internet Service Provider”).

To protect you mailbox, just launch the Mail Protection Wizard.

Start Menu (“Démarrer” in French) → Programs → Avast → Mail Wizard Protection)

FAI (in french " fournisseur d'accès Internet") means ISP
thank you. I do not speak fluent french only a few words.