I was reading a review of AVAST this morning written by Ciprian Adrian Rusen of 7Tutorials. He said this about AVAST and FIREWALLS:
“In previous reviews of avast! products, we highlighted that they do not end the Windows Firewall and Windows Defender services. We believe this is a poor practice that can lead to lower system performance and possible complications between multiple real-time security products being active at once. It would be great if avast! would stop ignoring this aspect and at least ask users during the installation process, whether they would like these Windows protection services disabled.”
I am confused. Do I need to turn off these two programs?
P.S. If it’s important I use AVAST on two computers, Win XP and Win 7.
I would say you should find a more knowledgeable site to get your reviews from.
Avast doesn’t disable the windows firewall because it is designed to work with it where as other third party firewalls are not able to do this, and as for defender i dont know of any AV that disables it’s services as it tends to work with everything but wheather it is needed or not is personal choice and for me i disable it as i find defender has a very poor detection rate and avast and Malwarebytes keeps me protected.
Thanks. I’ll be more careful about what I read in the future.
Actually, the review was pretty in-depth. Seemed to me that he’d dug around in the program and knew what he was talking about. That’s why it threw me when I read the bit about the firewall.
Nice avie, by the way. Makes me want one of those things you’re puffing on.
Since the free version doesn’t have a firewall, why would anyone suggest turning off what’s protecting your ports ???
As already mentioned, avast! was designed to be compatible.
The only thing you should never do is to try to run 2 Anti Virus programs at the same time.
Since the avast free versions doesn’t have a firewall, the article is irrelevant to you as it is about the AIS version.
Only the avast! Internet Security suite has a firewall module and that as has been mentioned is designed to be compatible. So he doesn’t fully understand that.
I am confused. Do I need to turn off these two programs?
No. Let them ON. avast! knows what it's doing. The free version, because there isn't an avast! firewall, and the Pro version because both firewalls do not conflict, on contrary, are complementary.