i have just installed Avast Free v.6.0 on the strong reccomendation of my friends.
for a long time i have used Genie Backup Manager Pro 8 to run a daily scheduled backup.
the scheduled backup didn’t start, and the Backup Manager won’t even open.
i can’t find any reference to this conflict.
has anyone else had this problem?
is the only solution to unuinstall avast?
OK - when i try to run Genie, or when the scheduled backup is supposed to start, i get this message in the tooltray:
For your safety, avast! has automatically placed the following application inside the sandbox.
File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Genie-Soft\GBMPro8\GBM8.exe
However, Genie does not open - instead, Windows sends the message that
Genie Backup Manager has stopped working
Close the Program
In avast!'s Expert settings, Enable Autosandbox is checked, and Mode is set to Auto. No files are excluded from Autosandbox. I have tried different settings to no avail. This includes temporarily disabling avast’s self-defence module. The only way Genie can open up and run a scheduled backup is to Disable avasts shields.
I have relied on autobackups for a long time, and unless i can get avast to leave Genie to do its work, i will have to ditch avast.
Surely there is a solution. Thanks fopr your attention.
In avast!'s Expert settings, Enable Autosandbox is checked, and Mode is set to Auto.
Change the setting to [b]ask[/b]
Then when the popup comes up simply select [b]run regular[/b] and check [b]remember my answer[/b].
Enjoy your program and avast!. :)
OK - i uninstalled Genie and reinstalled it.
sorry to say it didn’t solve the problem in any way - just as before, avast won’t allow Genie to run.
the only way at present for me to do my daily backups is this:
5 minutes before Genie is scheduled to begin the backup, i right click the avast icon in the tooltray and disable all shields for 10 minutes; then at the scheduled time Genie does open and my backup job begins; the backup job continues to completion (takes about 30 minutes); the fact that avast’s shields turn themselves back on during the backup doesn’t seem to worry Genie.
but, this workaround defeats the whole purpose of being able to schedule regular and unattended backups - what a drag!
i am certainly not tempted to buy the full avast programme, until i know this can be solved.
i would love to know if anyone else has this problem with avast and Genie, or any othe applications, backup ones or other.
Hi, I don’t use Genie. I do use Macrium Reflect (paid version) and Terabytes Image for windows backup/imaging programs.
I’ve not had a single alert from avast using either of these programs.
Running on avast v6.0.1000 free and vista 32 bit.
thanks to everyone for their input.
I think I may have tracked down the problem, which actually seems to have nothing to do with avast at all, but with Windows7 itself. In case it is any use to others here, I have tried to explain below.
Windows has a function known as Data Execution Prevention, and it was this which was blocking Genie from opening - dunno why - so all i had to do was to exclude Genie’s .exe file from DEP.
For full instructions hit F1 while on the desktop and do a search for Change Data Execution Prevention settings - you will be told how to turn off DEP for an individual program.