avast and google pack

1.Hey i checked out http://pack.google.com after checking out Avast blog, but Avast is NOT listed in Google pack…Sad :cry:
2.check out this site,
Avast scored very high in detection rates, and got a good name ; however the paragraph before the conclusion says tat, the

suspicious files submitted to virus lab didnt have any effect in detecting threats even after 20 days…
! It indirectly means that the files submitted were not analysed even with 20 days time by virus lab… Im sure that softpedia is not a biased site…please comment…

If you care about your privacy, i would forget all google related products… ;D

  1. It is only (IIRC) european versions of google pack…
... In short, Avast Free Antivirus provides all of the protection most Internet users require. Install Google Pack with Avast Free Antivirus for any of these languages: French, German, Italian, Czech, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, and Polish...
Source: http://blog.avast.com/2010/01/14/free-avast-5-chosen-for-google-pack/
  1. I can only speak for myself, and in my experience, files I have been submitted have been attended to fairly quickly.


Yeah, unfortunately true…

i submitted the same in avast blog , they moderated this comment and remain silent…! Further in ceo’s corner its said all the process has been automated (like analysis of samples and creation of virus def), that may be the reason for missing out a lot of samples…

the most intriguing thing is tat we get virus definitions every day as update REGULARLY…are virus attacks so regular??i mean , some days there may be only same ‘old virus attacks’ and if they dint find any new virus, then wat would the update file contain??

can v actually see wat new improvements hav been made in new signatures??

Even if v seee them, its like win32:trj etc, each anti virus company names in their own way,so how could we really know that we are protected and we are getting USEFUL updates???!

mokkaman, Alwil does not release placebo updates.
As soon as they can detect, the virus signature is checked and released.

On next version, a new technology could be available, called “quantum” updates (for Pro users).

so is tat quantum updates , a new name for push updates whuch existed in Avast 4 pro??

No, not exactly.
Push updates are normal updates unless forced by Alwil by sending an email.
The technology of quantum updates is “minimal” signatures added (much less the incremental updates) almost on-the-fly and before the virus definitions release for all (including free) avast users.

hey i was wondering y there is no registry shield in avast…? while bit defender and others hav it for more than three years…Avast can rock with registry shield

A registry shield might be a good idea… Did you suggest it as a new feature? & about the file samples, wow… Well that’s unfortunate. I guess that’s why it’s best to have something that gives you a 2nd opinion.

It name will be hips not registry shield and as i know avast will not have a HIPS in the near future.
here a very simple registry shield “systemshield”

I feel similarly as Asyn… I try not to use Google’s products, as much as I can… That company really frightens me… (I mean, yeah sure the others do, Microsoft et al but I really try to stay away from Google…)