My wife just installed Incredimail much to my dismay. Does avast’s email scanner scan email received by Incredimail? Thanks!! ???
Well each to her own taste …
However, avast cannot tell the difference between an email program and a hole in the road. avast knows nothing about email programs.
avast instead intercepts what email programs do.
avast assumes that any program that makes a call to a server at ports 25, 110, 143 is doing so for email purposes (unless the program name is in a list of exceptions avast has) and avast proceeds to takeover and manage those connections expecting an email dialog to occur.
Since Incredimail has to do what every other email client does - avast will intercept what it does too.
Same old caveats apply - this is standard POP/SMTP mail. Anything in Incredimail received using those third party apps like FreePops, YPops etc still will be under avast’s radar by default.
I would suggest she doesn’t use the ‘Insert note into clean message’ option as it can confuse the hell out of incredimail depending on the email method as in MIME where you have text and html versions in the same email and incredimail ends up displaying two clean notes one for each.
That incredimail formatting/layout issue is the only thing I have seen in the forums.
Thanks for the response alanrf and DavidR. I’m glad it will still scan the email. Avast is currently set to include the clean message on incoming and outgoing mail and haven’t heard my wife mention any odd behavior yet. Anything certain to watch for?? Thanks again!!
If there is a format problem there is no doubt your wife will notice it, it usually has two clean notes in the one message and both text and html content.
Personally the value of the clean notes is negligible, just give a warm fuzzy feeling. I don’t take anything like this at fase value, always check even if you see a clean note from another AV or een avast, it isn’t hard for a virus to include text in the body of an email to make it look like it has been scanned.
Thanks DavidR, I’ll keep an eye on it and turn the notes off it it becomes a issue.
Thanks again!!
Your welcome.