Avast and Internet Explorer

Hello, new user of Avast here with a couple of questions, mainly concerning my IE browsing.

First of all, LOVE Avast. However…I have noticed a few times when I’m browsing, that certain images, multimedia players (ex. slide shows, music players) show the ever popular red X at the top left corner now when I’m on certain sites. How do I fix this? Is there some place in webshield that I can fix this option?

Also, I’ve noticed that the page “Page cannot be displayed” or ya know, that error IE page comes up a little more often now. Of course, all I have to do is refresh the page and it comes up, but it’s a tad bit annoying.

An help with both of these topics would be quite helpful and less annoying for me :wink: Thanks!

HappyFunBall ;D

I don’t think that has anything to do with Avast. I think that is a IE setting. I use IE and don’t have this problem. Check your advanced tab in internet options under multimedia. I have most of those checked.

The infamous Red X is a common problem in IE that has been around for years and one that hasn’t been licked yet (nor a definitive reason found). A google search for this should return many thousands of hits, so I don’t think they are all using avast ;D http://www.google.com/search?q=red+x+in+IE+image+not+displayed.

The standard answer is to clear out your browser cache, Temporary Internet Files and reload the page.