AVAST and Mail

Ich verwende die Mozilla Suite (mail + newsgroups)
was macht avast beim download vom server mit
einer verseuchten email (im anhang ist der virus)?

Please use English in these Forums. Thanks :slight_smile:

English Translation:
I use the Mozilla Suite (mail + newsgroup) which allows avast to down load email from the server contaminated with (in the appendix is the virus)?
Ok, Speedy,
In order for me to comment, I need to know the name of the virus. I am not sure what you mean by Avast downloading a contaminated email. Email is downloaded and scanned for viri by Avast. Is Avast telling you that an email has a virus? The name please.

My German is fairly good but English is the established guideline for the forum. If you need a translation, you can use www.altavista.com…click on Translate in the tabs.

Auf Weidersein.

Rear one! This is an automatically translated text (google)
with AVAST the email entrance is supervised. I got email with appendix, in which Netsky D was integrated. AVAST released no alarm. I stored the appendix, and now AVAST alamiert, the Mail remained however like it was. Now the post office entrance is supervised, or must make I further attitudes

see here I asked before! :wink: :wink: :wink:


Your system is infected with the Netsky worm which multiplies via email.

Download and install the Avast Virus Cleaner.
Then run the program. It will remove the worm.

Good luck.

my system is clean, against checks with more bitdefender confirmed, I wanted to only know, why AVAST does not strike alarm, if the Mail (with appendix) comes on the computer?
I feared practicing setting problems

function the AVAST email scanner also Mozilla, Thunderbird or only with Outlook?

As you can read in many threads here, Avast works with other email clients than Outlook (express) as well. Some will automaticly setup by the mail wizzard, others have to be setup manually.

Excuse please, my English is bad! Can you write few left here, thus I somewhat more easily find the necessary attitudes for Mozilla (Suite)?

Just select search near the top of the page and type in Mozilla.

hi bob ok, already found over 50 topics, so and now has I to Christmas time to translating :slight_smile: ;D :wink: ;D :slight_smile: