avast and mozilla

Hello all,
i just tested avast home.
For email i use the mozilla email client.
I see that it is possible to attach a note into clean message.
But it takes no effect. The funktion is check in properties.
I can´t find the problem.
Can you help?
(spricht hier auch jemand zufällig deutsch und kann mit helfen?)

You need to understand that the “clean message” is inserted into the note after it is sent from your mail client. It will not be seen in the copy of the message in the sent folder. It should be seen by the receiver of the message only.

Have you checked in the received copy of the message?

I´ve 2 email accounts with 2 different providers.
So I send a email from the first to the second account.
The incomming email at the second account has no avast attachment.
It was tested also with outlook. There it is running. But i don´t like outlook.


welcome to the avast forum, I am sorry that I am not able to assist you in German.

There may be one one way that the avast “clean message” will not be seen clearly in the received message.

To confirm this possible issue - if you send a message from one of your accounts to the other account and you include an attachment (for example a .jpg file) does the avast “clean message” then appear in the received message?


well, i included an attachment (a .jpg file). In the received message the avast does not appear “clean message”.

I saw, the avast had a mistake in the attchment file with “—”. I think that´s not right. I changed it to “–”. But it takes no effect.


if you look at the message source of the received message does it contain header lines that look like this:

X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 0605-1, 01/30/2006), Outbound message X-Antivirus-Status: Clean

Are you sending the messages as SMTP using port 25?


yes, smtp is using port 25.

There are no header line like that (all header lines indicated).



interesting, since your post another avast user has reported a lack of avast “clean message” additions to email. If you scan recent posts you will see a test I posted where the outgoing “clean message” is included.

OK, I think we may need some more information for your case.

I think it would help to create (for a while) a more detailed avast! log of your mail connections.

You can get the mailscanner to log your connections by editing the avast4.ini file (in Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA folder).

In the section headed:


add the line:


and save the updated file.

The log will be in Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\log\ashmaisv.log

If you would be willing to post the log of sending an email (please check the log before you post it and obscure any personal information) then it may help us to identify the problem happening for you.

My log file:

02/01/06 12:12:53 FFC301E7: Started, Log = 20(0x00000014)
02/01/06 12:12:53 FFC301E7: Build 4.6.763
02/01/06 12:12:53 FFC301E7: Windows 98 Second Edition
02/01/06 12:12:53 FFC301E7: Using Microsoft wsock32.dll, ver2.2, 32bit of Apr 22 1999, at 20:29:32.
02/01/06 12:12:53 FFC301E7: PID = -3996673(0xFFC303FF)
02/01/06 12:12:53 FFC301E7: getnameinfo not loaded 127(0x0000007F)
02/01/06 12:13:08 FFC301E7: ExclusiveAddr settings changed 0(0x00000000)
02/01/06 12:13:08 FFC301E7: POP Start settings changed: 1
02/01/06 12:13:08 FFC301E7: POP Listen settings changed: 110
02/01/06 12:13:08 FFC301E7: POP Listening daemon starting
02/01/06 12:13:08 FFC301E7: POP Listen handler: 0xFFC7C657
02/01/06 12:13:08 FFC301E7: POP Listening daemon started
02/01/06 12:13:08 FFC301E7: SMTP Start settings changed: 1
02/01/06 12:13:08 FFC301E7: SMTP Listen settings changed: 25
02/01/06 12:13:08 FFC301E7: SMTP Listening daemon starting
02/01/06 12:13:08 FFC301E7: SMTP Listen handler: 0xFFC7C88F
02/01/06 12:13:08 FFC301E7: SMTP Listening daemon started
02/01/06 12:13:08 FFC301E7: IMAP Start settings changed: 1
02/01/06 12:13:08 FFC301E7: IMAP Listen settings changed: 143
02/01/06 12:13:08 FFC301E7: IMAP Listening daemon starting
02/01/06 12:13:08 FFC301E7: IMAP Listen handler: 0xFFC7CE13
02/01/06 12:13:08 FFC301E7: IMAP Listening daemon started
02/01/06 12:13:08 FFC301E7: NNTP Start settings changed: 1
02/01/06 12:13:08 FFC301E7: NNTP Listen settings changed: 119
02/01/06 12:13:08 FFC301E7: NNTP Listening daemon starting
02/01/06 12:13:08 FFC301E7: NNTP Listen handler: 0xFFC7F3B7
02/01/06 12:13:08 FFC301E7: NNTP Listening daemon started


Ah, I confess that I am stupid not to have asked which operating system you are using. I see now that you are a Win98 SE user.

Have you run the avast Mail Wizard to configure your email for avast scanning?

Hi alanrf,
Thanks for your assistance and it excuses that I answered no longer so fast. I tested some changes in the avast4.ini file. Now i changes the copied file back. Our efforts were unfortunately unsuccessful.

But i´ll tell you my requirements:

  • Windows 98 SE
  • Outlook 2000 (for my girlfriend, avast attach clean notes)
  • Mozilla mail (for me, avast insert no header lines)
  • Internet over dsl-wlan-router (network with default ip, dhcp=yes, firewall, wlan security = wep).

I believe that is everything too complicated for me.
I believe also that it is not important, because it is no guarantee.



you owe no explanation here.

It is interesting to see that avast “clean notes” are working for your girlfriend’s account on Outlook 2000 (by the way I believe that Outlook 2000 is too old to work with the avast Outlook plugin - so the Internet Mail wizard is the only solution).

Since you have it working with Outlook I think it would not be a big step to get it working with Mozilla mail too.

However, we all have other demands on our time and I understand if you cannot work on this now.

If you decide you want to come back to this later you will find the good folks of the avast forum willing to help you.
