avast! and MS Vista

We are seeing an increasing number of posts in this forum with concerns about betas and pre-releases of MS Vista.

Can the avast team let us know their early thoughts about how they wish to handle Vista?

Vista posts have absolutely no interest to me … I am not trying it … I have no interest in doing so until it is a stable release. This new release seems to provide me nothing I really need yet in the home computing experience (and knowing the corporate world all too well they will mostly be a couple of years behind me). So really (it seems to me) it is down to the geeks who want to play with the latest toys … just because they are the latest toys.

The avast team has no choice but to work along with the puppet masters in Redmond who pull the strings but the reality is that the vast majority of avast users will stay on XP for quite some time and then slowly migrate to Vista. Are there any thoughts on handling this gracefully in this forum?

Handling what gracefully? This is an avast support forum. Vista will be the next popular OS from MS. What’s to handle? People will come for help and they will get it. Win95, 98, 98SE, 98ME, Win2000 and XP users all get the same support here. Why would there be a need to do it any other way with Vista users? Alwil seems to be handling Vista just fine. And indeed they need to work along side those “Puppet Masters” to remain competitive and receive max possible market exposure.

I recall many moaning about XP before it came out. It is a much greater improvement over 98 though. Without growth there is stagnation. Growth is change. Some will be happy with current solutions and some will not.

Your personal opinion is slightly interesting … thank you.

I was seeking the avast team response - if there is one. I am not moaning about Vista; it is an inevitable part of Microsoft’s slowing progress.

It may be that the avast view is that it will be handled in this forum just as Win 98, Win 2000 is handled now and, from an avast perspective, will be a seamless transition in the flow of avast. I am just seeking an update if there is any and not proferring any Luddite position.

I’m not really sure what is the question…
Vista is/will be just another operating system supported by avast! - I don’t think (or at least I hope) there won’t be anything special about it (from avast!'s point of view, installation, …)

Sure, some changes in code will be needed, but that should be transparent for the users.


I suppose in a way my mumbling … and maybe it is now a bit late … is asking if there should be a separate sub-forum or reserved thread for those with concerns for avast in the Vista pre-production environment rather similar to the way you run a beta thread when there is a beta version of avast under test.

At the moment it is not entirely transparent, clearly Vista users are encountering problems that are not experienced in the production MS operating systems.

At the same time, in the general forum, I suppose there is some learning value in all of us getting used to the issues we will be facing when we take the plunge into Vista.

Well, I hope that the number of Vista-related problems/posts will not be very big. If there was a significant number of posts (specific to Vista only), a new subforum might be considered, but I think it won’t be necessary.