Is there going to be a VISTA version of Avast soon.
I just went Vista because thats all they sell on laptops now. >:(
Is there going to be a VISTA version of Avast soon.
I just went Vista because thats all they sell on laptops now. >:(
avast is compatible with vista Now, is that soon enough ?
Just check out the http://www.avast.com/eng/avast_4_home.html page.
Do you have to change any settings for it to work? I’ve just installed Vista, and Avast won’t run. When I try to start it I get an “Unknown error - Program cannot activate resident part (Standard Shield provider not found.)” Any idea what that means? ???
What’s your language version of Vista? What folder did you install avast! into?
I have successfully installed the Home version on my vista machine.
The only issue I have is the webshield will stop all access to the internet. I had it set for normal. I stopped the service and everything runs fine.
This tends to indicate your firewall (?) id blocking ashWebSv.exe, ensure it has access.
I have a customer that has 5 new pc’s right out of the box that came with Vista home on them. all 5 pc’s were installed with avast home edition. the problem is on all the machines that the realtime scanner will not load. what gives?
the main avast program will start just not the resident scanner all all the pcs and yes they just downloaded it
Can you please answer the second question (in fact, two questions) in my previous post?