Avast! and Opera browser

I’ve looked for answer on my problem in this forum, but I didn’t find. I was using MS Outlook as my email client, but I’d like change it to Opera browser. But Avast! doesn’t checking Opera’s accounts. What should I do? Please, give me precise solution to this problem.


I do not use Opera but, if you run Mail Protection Wizard, won’t avast work?
(Start Menu > All programs > avast antivirus > Mail Protection Wizard… follow the instructions) ::slight_smile:

OK, but what if I have more than one accounts to check?

No problem, one or many email accounts, I have 5 accounts (OE v6). Check out the Avast Help file - Windows, Start, all Programs, Avast, Help and then ‘Setting up the mail protection.’

OK. Thank you very much for help. Now everything is allright! :slight_smile:
And sorry for stupid questions…

Drott, questions aren’t stupid here… These forums exist just to this.
Wellcome 8)