Avast and Outlook 2003

When I start Outlook 2003 I receive an error message --“Avast! Unable to connect to the avast engine. Avast Mail Protection can not be started” and then another message that states that a “ashoutxt.dll” could not be loaded or started. Is there a way that I can fix my Avast Anti-Virus or Outlook to stop these error message. Thanks

I think these forums coulld help you:
Check Outlook > About Box > Disabled Items.
If avast is on the list, remove it… :wink:

I had the same problem. What I found was you have to configure your SMTP settings in the Avst setup,
Enter your user name and password.
This solved my problem.
Hope this helpes for you


thank you very much for posting this solution, thats what i was searching for. After configuring the smtp, the provider works again.

I have open a new thread with this solution so maybe someone can find it faster :wink:


if this problem is fixed by changing login account details, how should he ADNM package be constructed?
I.E this problem has occurred to a test pc, i have deployed avast to from ADNM. I don’t want to have to visit each pc if sent the install package out to…