I use Outlook Express with Avast 4.8. I have three separate mail accounts that Outlook Express automatically checks for new mail every 2 minutes or so. Every time it checks for new mail a small icon blinks three times in my system tray in the bottom right. It causes me to glance there and is very annoying to me. I like using avast, but how can I stop that blinking icon (or whatever it’s called) in the system tray? Thanks.
Leftclick avast! tray icon to open the On-access Scanner window, expand to detailed view, seleft the Internet Mail provider, click Customize, switch to “Advanced” page and uncheck “Show tray icon when scanning mail”.
Well personally I rarely notice (large TFT) it as it is only there when scanning email.
It also has an alternative purpose, should your system ever have an undetected spambot sending out email that little icon could be your first indication your system is sending out spam. For this reason personally I would leave it.
In that case I would suggest you set the Internet Mail sensitivity to High, that will alert you if too many identical emails are sent in a period of time, another means of early notification of an undetected spambot.