Avast and Spam Filters

I was thinking of installing the Spamihilator e-mail filter. I was wondering if this will mess up my Avast. Has anyone tried this?

Hi testy,

A search of these forums for Spamihilator will no doubt return many hit as this topic has been previously discussed a number of times.

Technical uses it along with some others and he has posted info about how to set it up.

This is the most relevant one. http://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=9;action=display;threadid=3413


Learn to use the search function of these forums, there is a wealth of information available to all.

Instead of installing another application to filter spam, have you already thought of using the mail settings (filter) of your current email client?

I think thats way to complicated for me. I guess I’ll have to pass. :cry:

I think thats way to complicated for me. I guess I'll have to pass.
I don't think so. Most, if not all, mail clients have a wizzard for that.

Real easy, have a look at it I would say. The help of your email client should give more detailed info on it.

Just a thought, no must ofcourse.

Remeber that every application you install is taking up diskspace and that every application that you have running in the background is using cpu time :wink:

If you can install a application like spamhilator and configure it, (and have/take the time to do it) then you also should be able to use the options your current email client offers you. RTFM as people say

Eddy, why don’t you RTFM on manners.

Can anybody says what is RTFM for non native English spokers?
Testy, a full Spamihilator and avast study here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=9;action=display;threadid=3413 :wink:

Edit: Oh, David found the same before but I forgot… :-[

why don't you RTFM on manners

there really is no need to sware (or abbreviate swaring).

We could help you set up your spam filters on your email client if you could at least let us know what one your using, ie Hotmail/yahoo.


RTFM - Read The F****** Manual (F = Fliping or other word of your choice beginning with F).

Usually superfluous and, in my opinion, usually used when another word would describe it much better. Also known as the most abused word in our language.

:-[ :-[ :-[

Boys, do not fight for nothing ;D

there really is no need to sware (or abbreviate swaring).

I believe thats “swearing”. Lee16, if you had read all the posts, you would have realized thats what Eddy told me to do. I guess because Eddy is a regular he is allowed?

I was only saying that using the filter options in your email client isn’t that hard to do. And that if you can install and configure a 3rd party application, you should be able to use them if you wish to do so. What’s wrong with that?


I believe thats "swearing". Lee16

First of all, thanks for the correction, im not the best of spellers.

if you had read all the posts, you would have realized thats what Eddy told me to do. I guess because Eddy is a regular he is allowed?

I had read all the post ( i thought, but managed to miss that), i apologize for miss reading that, there is no reason to repeat it, but ofcourse no need to say it in the first place
(i don’t want to talk on this subject anymore its to off-topic)

But you still forgot to mention your email client, we can still make suggestions on how to set it up (if we know it ;D)
