I have SAV on my computer, and I want to experiment with Avast to see how it works, before I permanently uninstall Symantec.
Is it possible to just disable the Startup values for Symantec (say, using Spybot’s Tools - Startup option), so it won’t load automatically, and then to install Avast, or must I completely uninstall Symantec before installing Avast?
Please, don’t do that… you’ll mess your computer.
You need to full remove Norton Antivirus before installing avast. There is not a possibility of disabling it and avoid conflicts of the drivers.
Don’t worry, tons of users here came from Symantec and no one regrets 8)
to disable norton temporaly you need to go in failsafe mode (push F8 on boot) and rename all “symantec*”, “norton*” folders to something else. that will disbale load of it on normal boot, you also may get some error messages, but do not care about it.
now you can install avast safe and test how it works.
if you will need norton, just uninstall avast(recommended)
and rename “symantec*” and “norton*” folder back to same name as them had before
!!! Dot NOT use Regcleaners !!! it can damage you computer !!!
NAV doesn’t co-exist nicely with other AVs as it is so deeply embedded in to the registry that even after uninstalling there are remnants that can cause conflict.
NAV need to be removed using the add remove programs followed by the various tools or manual removal of registry entries mentioned above.
I see no one noticed that LM speaks about Symantec Antivirus, and not about Norton Antivirus. Two different programs. Norton can’t compete with SAV… anyway, one thing will always be certain - as everyone else in this thread already mentioned, do not keep two resident antiviruses on the same machine in the same time.
I can’t agree this is a safe procedure. On contrary, Symantec products are very deep installed into Windows Registry, drivers, etc.
The user will mess his computer, for sure.
Ok, but this is less, less dangerous than installing a second antivirus in the same system or trying to disable Symantec products.
Exactly as Tech said… and btw, registry cleaning is not dangerous but only if you know what you are doing. Cleaning your registry with all kinds of third party applications is not recommended at all.
I attempted to un-install norton/symantec,but with 6 seconds lef ton the progress bar it frozed on me.I had to do a manuel reboot,and its no longer in the add/remove programs list.However symantec update is still in my control panel…
So whats the final word on removing all traces of norton/symantec from hte system?
There are many threads already dealing with this issue. Use Search feature and you’ll find it much faster. Also it will spare this forum of many threads with exactly the same topic.
Spyros, our forum regular has a solution for your question. There is a thread mentioning it:
Symantec Live Update should have its own add remove entry I believe as it may be used for other symantec programs.
The final word on removing Norton Anti-Virus (NAV), is in the various links given in the posts above and we still haven’t established if this is actually the AV you had. If not then the above links and tools are worthless.