I have just downloaded and installed Avast, to try it out, a few days ago.
Previously I was using Symantec Corporate AntiVirus.
I did not uninstall SAV, as I am not sure this change is permanent. I did, however, set it not to do any background scanning, as I know one can not have two different antivirus programs scanning in the background at once. In other words, set not to provide any realtime protection at all, as I will have Avast do that now.
I made doubly sure, that no Symantec background processes are started up with Windows, services are disabled, etc.
Therefore, there should not be a problem with Avast being the background real-time anti-virus scanner, as Symantec real-time has been completely disabled.
Yet, whenever I start up Windows, an Avast error message appears on my screen, telling me that Symantec is running, therefore the Avast background protection will not start up. I do CTRL-ALT-DEL, look at processes, and see no Symantec processes there. I look in Services, and see no Symantec services running. What is going on?
Does Avast check what programs are installed on the computer, see that Symantec AntiVirus is installed, and therefore assume that its background scanning is running, so Avast’s can not run? If so, I think that’s pretty stupid, which you should fix in the program immediately. When someone tries out a new antivirus program, they might not want to uninstall their prior one right away, but just disable its background scanning. There should be no problem to Avast, if SAV is installed on the computer, but not running in the background.
Please fix this problem right away, so that I can give Avast a try. Thank you.
P.S. The exact wording of the Avast error message, that occurs with every Windows startup, is as follows:
avast: Incompatible AV Software Running
avast detected that the following program is running:
Norton Antivirus/Symantec Antivirus
The on-access scanner module of this program and the on-access scanner of avast! CANNOT be active at the same time.
As a result, the avast! main access scanners-Standard Shield, P2P Shield, and Instant Messaging Shield-were disabled.
My comment–although it says that SAV is running, it isn’t. I checked and double-checked that. It is not running, in any way at all. Avast should not assume that SAV is running, just because it is installed on the computer.