avast and the calendar

My “about avast” information tells me that my updates will expire on 1 May 2008. So, I was thinking that in a week or two I must re-register with avast.

However, on re-booting my system a few minutes ago a red popup today warned me that my registration has expired followed by a popup telling me that my system is totally unprotected (that irritates the bl**dy heck out of me) since it requires me to visit a website before it will go away.

It is popups like that that could just could make me jack in this product altogether.

I know the forum has far weightier matters to deal with right now; I shall try to focus on them and I shall try to ignore my intense irritation with something that is just plain stupid but:

  1. if avast says the updates expire 1 May 2008 then for goodness sake get the date calculation right - 1 May does not fall on 10 April in any year in creation.

  2. do not confront me with a popup that cannot be closed except by visiting a website. I promise you - you ever do that to me again and it will be the last you ever see of me.

your humble user

The intended scenario is:

  • when the expiration date is approaching, the window shows up with the text “… about to expire” (or something like that). There’s a button “Remind me later” at the bottom.

  • when the expiration date has passed, the same window shows up with the text “… has expired”. And yes, the window cannot be closed. The reason is that some time ago, we found that A LOT of people used a long expired avast!, i.e. one that hasn’t updated its VPS for months… and didn’t care.

So, are you saying that the “second version” of the window showed up, even though it should have been the first one?
Can you send me your license key so that I could try?

I would not be posting if it was simply a warning that my registration was about to expire.

From where should I extract the license key to send to you? I’ve seen comments elsewhere about it only being partially displayed.

Well, I thought you might have stored it somewhere… anyway, the part from the About dialog is OK.

Ah, yes, pack rat that I am it is stored somewhere.

By the way I just took my system back an re-ran the last startup and looked carefully.

The slider red box does say my license is about to expire but here is the popup screen is attached.