Avast and Thunderbird

I upgraded Avast and all of a sudden Thunderbird would not load mail. I read a few forums, uninstalled, reinstalled and it worked fine.

Today it will not load messages (I know because I am getting them to my phone, but client not loading)… SSL/TLS is off… so thats not it…

Do you get an error message or just a hang?You can find Avast! v6 instructions for setting up TB with gmail at http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=76915.msg636942#msg636942 ; others are similar. Also check Mail shield/Expert Settings/SSL accounts to be sure that nothing there got changed in the upgrade process.

everything seems fine. I did have to add the acct in the mail portion of avast.

It just doesn’t go get the mail. It will send fine.

What actually happens when you try to pick up mail? What are you using for a firewall? Make sure avastsvc.exe is allowed tcp out on port 995 if using ssl, port 110 otehrwise.

It just says ‘checking mail server possibilities…’ and does nothing

I had this issue too. Delete the account from TB, close TB, re open it and add the acct back in, at least in my case< problem solved.

thx, that last trick seemed to work.

No problem…