avast and vista


not sure if this is the right board for it, but… i purchased a new PC with vista home basic, downloaded avast and it was blocking my internet.
i removed it in order to get the internet.
i would like to install it again as it’s a great antivirus.
can anyone help??
thank you very much

What is your firewall ?
Does it allow ashWebSv.exe internet access ?

  • If it does delete the entries for them and do a manual update and reconnect to the internet, this will force the firewall to ask permission again.

Have (or did) you another AV installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?

thanks David

not sure how to check if i have one.

i just got it yesterday. i know i don’t have any protection from my server as they still don’t have anything for vista users. can you tell me where to look for the firewall?
thanks again

Sorry, I don’t use Vista, but I would assume it would be like XP Security Center only I believe it is called Vista security center, in XP it lives in Control Panel, Security Center. So I guess you will have to try and find it in Help.

The Security Center should list what your firewall is possibly the windows vista one.

Read this thread and see if it helps.


thanks guys,

sounds like the solution to my problem. my internet is running well now but i don’t like to use it without avast. i will try that later (as soon as i put my baby to sleep) and will let you know if it helped.

thanks :slight_smile:

i tryed the link http://files.avast.com/files/hotfix/vista-webshield/aswfix.exe

but it didn’t work. tryed it with windows firewall, then, without. no luck.

it couldn’t read the program.

any more ideas?

i wonder how well am i protected with just windows security?
